The Word became flesh (Part 2)
II. John’s Testimony about Jesus (15)
See v15.
15 (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, ‘This is the one I spoke about when I said, “He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.” ’)
This John is Baptist (or Witness) John. He was an excellent prophet like Elijah. So, people could think he might be the Messiah. But, he was not the light, but a witness to the light (John 1:8), expressing himself as ‘the voice’ (John 1:23). John made it clear “Jesus is greater”. The reason John told was that Jesus was ‘before’ him, even though he was born 6 months earlier than Jesus on the earth. We learn that it is important to know and testify the fact that the Word existed before the creation, before you, I, and any of us were ever created.
Regarding to minimum preparation for witnessing as a believer, one may refer to 1 Peter 3:15. As a disciple, one may refer to Matthew 28:18-20.