The Parable of the Minas

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 29 January 2017 in Luke |

Luke 19:11 – 27

This parable is similar to the Parable of the Talents written in Matthew 25:14-30.

Here, a man of noble birth (12) represents Jesus (Son of David).

Ten Servants received ten minas (13a). Their mission was “putting the money to work” (13b).

Here, the servants are stewards. They do not own the minas. Therefore, it is not allowed “to hide the mina and do nothing”, as the wicked servant in the parable did (20). Putting the money in bank saving account for interest (23) is minimum that a responsible and reasonable servant should do on behalf of the owner of the money. We could interpret “bank” (or, where we deposit) as someone/something that knows how to utilize and will utilize “the money”.

We received health, time, possession, ability, faith and many other things from God to make it work. And we will be accountable to God for what we have done with them. We are not owners of them but we are simply stewards of them. Therefore, it is not allowed to hide them away and do nothing. Instead, we have to put them to work. Based on verse 23, we can know what we should at least do for easiest but guaranteed profit.

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