Philip said to Nathanael, “Come and see”
John 1:43 - 51
(Short Message)
In v43 – 45, Jesus found and called Philip to follow Him (43). Philip told Nathanael a great news that he has found the Christ, who is Jesus of Nazareth (45).
But Nathanael was sceptical about “Nazareth” (46a).
What is the answer of Philip? See v46b.
‘Come and see’, said Philip.
Philip didn’t argue about Nathanael’s doubt. He simply invited him to see Jesus.
What is the result of the invitation? See v47 – 51.
When Nathanael came to Jesus, Jesus showed his omnipotence to know about Nathanael (47, 48b). As a result, Nathanael believed Jesus being the Son of God (49). Further Jesus gave him vision to experience what would be greater than what he just experienced (51).
In various reasons, people could be sceptical. Only Jesus can clear their doubt and give them faith. Their faith depends on His power and grace. Therefore, they need to come and see Jesus. How they respond to this invitation will determine their destiny. In other words, our invitation to “come and see” has great role and impact on the eternal future of invitees.
% Also, how they deal with His believers will determine their destiny (Matthew 25:31 – 46).