Exodus 41:45a Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah.
I. Background
Joseph was one of twelve sons of Jacob (Genesis 35:22b, Genesis 35:24). His brothers sold him to merchants for some silver due to their jealousy (Genesis 37:27-28). The merchants sold in Egypt Joseph to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard (Genesis 37:36). Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him after he refused to sleep with her, and Potiphar imprisoned him due to her lie (Genesis 39:1-23). The cupbearer and the baker of Pharaoh who offended him were imprisoned and had dreams. Joseph interpreted their dreams. The cupbearer was restored to his position, but the baker was impaled, according to the interpretation (Genesis 40:1-23). When Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret, the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh about him. So, Joseph got the opportunity to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. The dream was about coming seven years of great abundance and seven years of severe famine to follow after that. Joseph advised Pharaoh to collect all the food during the good years and use it during the famine. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of Egypt (Genesis 41:1-57).
As a result, Joseph saved Egypt and other countries during the severe famine.
II. Jesus Christ
The religious leaders were jealous of Jesus (Matthew 27:18). Jesus Christ was sold for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15). He was innocent but sentenced to die on the cross (Matthew 27:26). Jesus was raised back to life (Matthew 28:5-6) and became the Saviour of the world (Hebrews 5:8-9).
III. Zaphenath-Paneah
Finally, let us study the name of Joseph that Pharaoh gave. See Genesis 41:45a.
Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah.
This name is translated to be ’revealer of secrets’, ‘the man to whom secrets are revealed’, ‘saviour of the world’, ‘salvation of the age’, or ‘the god speaks [and] he lives’ [2].
[1] The Holy Bible: New International Version (Anglicised Edition, 2011). (2011). (Revised and updated edition, Ge 41:45). London: Hodder & Stoughton.